12 pt, Times New Roman font, single-spaced, 1’’ margins, fully left aligned
Heading of paper should be Country Allocation, Committee Name, and Topic
One page per topic length maximum
Please cite sources in Chicago or MLA Format in a Bibliography – does not count in the page limit
Use of Generative AI platforms (eg. ChatGPT) for writing is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for disqualification from awards
Submission Guidelines:
Submit to chairs through this form by Monday, March 31st at 11:59 PM PT
Upload your paper in PDF form with the name of your committee and allocation (Eg. DISEC_Holy See)
Position Paper Formatting Guide:
Country Allocation: (Eg. Holy See)
Committee: (Eg. DISEC)
Topic: (Eg. Global No-First-Use Policies on Nuclear Weapons)
I. Topic Background
Discuss the topic in general and its historical background
Highlight the implications of the topic on the international community
Should not be a lengthy summary, but rather used to lay foundation for country positions and demonstrate knowledge of the topic
II. Past Actions
Discuss past actions by the UN and other organizations
Analyze the effectiveness and response to past approaches
Consider past proposals that were not approved, but may have been effective
III. Country Policy and Solutions
Introduce country’s general foreign policy stance in relation to other nations
Provide country’s specific foreign policy and its implications
Discuss any reasons for why country feels the way they do on the topic
Author last name, first name. “Article Title.” Journal Name Volume, no. Issue (Month Year): Page range. DOI/URL.
Author last name, first name. “Page Title.” Website Name. Month Day, Year. URL.