
  • 12 pt, Times New Roman font, single-spaced, 1’’ margins, fully left aligned

  • Heading of paper should be Country Allocation, Committee Name, and Topic 

  • One page per topic length maximum 

  • Please cite sources in Chicago or MLA Format in a Bibliography – does not count in the page limit

  • Use of Generative AI platforms (eg. ChatGPT) for writing is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for disqualification from awards

Submission Guidelines: 

  • Submit to chairs through this form by Monday, March 31st at 11:59 PM PT

  • Upload your paper in PDF form with the name of your committee and allocation (Eg. DISEC_Holy See)

Position Paper Formatting Guide:

Country Allocation: (Eg. Holy See)

Committee: (Eg. DISEC)

Topic: (Eg. Global No-First-Use Policies on Nuclear Weapons)

I. Topic Background

  • Discuss the topic in general and its historical background

  • Highlight the implications of the topic on the international community

  • Should not be a lengthy summary, but rather used to lay foundation for country positions and demonstrate knowledge of the topic

II. Past Actions

  • Discuss past actions by the UN and other organizations

  • Analyze the effectiveness and response to past approaches 

  • Consider past proposals that were not approved, but may have been effective 

III. Country Policy and Solutions

  • Introduce country’s general foreign policy stance in relation to other nations

  • Provide country’s specific foreign policy and its implications

  • Discuss any reasons for why country feels the way they do on the topic


Author last name, first name. “Article Title.” Journal Name Volume, no. Issue (Month Year): Page range. DOI/URL.

Author last name, first name. “Page Title.” Website Name. Month Day, Year. URL.